To say the least. Cleavage would imply a glimpse of ... you know. This is pretty much her topless. It's one gust of wind away.

Jessica Simpson and her giant boobs make their way to her car. You gotta cover those puppies up, Jess.

That's what this pic is all about. Jessica Simpson talking about her boobs and how she'd consider plastic surgery down the line. Hot.

Jessica Simpson models possibly the most ridiculous top of all time.

Seriously, that rack of Jessica Simpson's is not small. Much like the annoyance quotient every time she opens her mouth.

Is Jessica Simpson causing problems on the set of Major Movie Star? That's what certain celebrity news sources are reporting.

Or whatever you call it ... that dress is something ... let's just say Jessica Simpson doesn't pack concert halls because of her voice, people.

Jessica Simpson appears to have no idea what a bra is. But she does know what a good publicity shot looks like.

Jessica Simpson gives fans an eyeful to say the least in this blue dress that probably isn't all that warm.

Jessica Simpson is sort of hot. She is also sort of annoying. You have to weigh the pros and cons when you date her...

And by strutting her stuff, we mean displays her chest. Amply. Oh, goodness, does she ever.