Her divorce all but a formality, Elin Nordegren Woods will very soon walk away from her six-year marriage with Tiger Woods with approximately $100 million.
The completion of Tiger Woods' divorce papers came to light this week after months of speculation over what eventually became a question of when, not if.
A source with direct knowledge says the payout is $100,000,000.
Originally, we had heard that Elin would score $750 million from the golfer, a figure reported by the New York Daily News, MSNBC, the UK's Sun and others.
That number is way, way off ... not that a hundred mill is shabby.

JUST DO IT: Elin Woods will be rid of Tiger, but those Nike royalties remain!
No idea where they got that amount, but it would be hard to pay out that much, given that Tiger Woods, for all his sports godliness, is not even worth that.
His net worth is somewhere between $500-600 million, Forbes says, and they also had a prenup. However, $100 million is more than it would have allotted.
Way more. Guess she had leverage ... a lot of it. Her biggest chip, aside from his 847 mistresses, was confidentiality - the cost of her silence proved steep.
Sources say Elin Woods will also receive child support, but the specific amount is unclear at this time. The $100 million is not speculation, though - it's done.
Not only is she set for life, but Elin can take solace in the fact that Rachel Uchitel scored a paltry $10 million from Tiger to keep her mouth shut. Sucker!