What is Sexuality?

Sexuality is a part of who you are as a person. It is how you feel about your body, whether you feel masculine, feminine, or somewhere in between. It’s the way you dress, how you move, how you speak, the way you act and feel about other people, who you are attracted to and fall in love with, and so much more. Whether you’re on your own or sexually involved with someone else, you’re still a sexual person. Everyone has their own way of expressing their sexuality to others and we each also have our own way of feeling or experiencing it for ourselves.

Sexuality is more than just what you do and who you do it with, the next few sections will tell you more about all that’s involved.

Your sexuality has been and will be a part of you for your entire life. How you express it will change depending on your age and stage of life. We made this website to help you learn more about sexuality. It’s pretty long — so it will tell you about a lot of things — sexual rights, anatomy, sexual health, gender identity, sexual orientation, relationships, communication, sexual behavior, sexual response, sexual abuse, pregnancy prevention...

Sexuality is a complex aspect of our personality and 'self'. Our sexuality is defined by sexual thoughts, desires and longings, erotic fantasies, turn-ons and experiences. In many ways sexuality is the force that empowers us to express and display strong, emotional feelings for another person and is a natural stimulus for the procreation of our species. The 'thing' that attracts one person to another may not always be sexual - it could be sense of humor, personality, 'likeability', compatibility, or intelligence. Sex or sexuality may only be a secondary consideration. Sometimes, part of our sexuality can be suppressed - some people have sexual desires about particular friends or associates, but don't act on or talk about those desires. Others have general sexual desires or fantasies about people of their own sex (that is, same sex), but don't explore or discuss those thoughts and feelings.