Hollywood is the motherland of most of the hotties I usually post about but this doesn’t mean I’ll ever say no to foreign celebrities. Like this two awesome British babes,
and Adele Silva who took the leap of faith of celebrities and posed for a nude photo shoot in Closer magazine. Really, how could I ignore this?
Michelle, who is a tiny size eight, said:
This is the first time I’ve ever posed with no clothes on and I’m a bit nervous. I’ve been offered thousands of times to pose naked for lads’ mags, but always refused. It’s only now that I’ve felt ready to do it tastefully.At the same time, Adele, who recently moved to USA, said:
Everybody is obsessed with image here, but being in LA has made me relax about my body! I’m 30 this year and I’m finally at ease with myself. I don’t need a blow-dry and full make-up to go to the shops like some women.