We make fun of Kourtney and Khloe Kardashian. A lot. Often. Pretty much every chance we get.
But what kind of credibility would we have if we simply bashed these talentless celebrities from afar? Hilarious clips that showcase clearly scripted fights and arguments might be worthy of our mockery, but readers have told us to give full episodes a shot.
Therefore, we've assigned an intern this nauseating task. She suffered in front of her TV on Sunday night and filed this report on the season premiere of Kourtney and Khloe Take Miami...
If anyone knows how to rock reality TV, it’s the Kardashians. These girls were built in the public eye and despite having the tabloids follow their every move, they can still film an interesting show with things we haven’t yet seen. On Sunday, these two outspoken sisters proved they can do just that.
Aptly titled “Back in Miami," the episode focused on the two new additions to this family: the adorable baby Mason and the infamous Scott Disick. While we haven’t seen much from the latter yet, the previews assure us that his notorious antics are yet to come.

While Kourtney tackles new motherhood, Khloe struggles with the fact that she’s leaving her new husband (Lamar Odom, of course) behind.
Honestly, while Lamar seems like a standup guy and it’s wonderful how in love he and Khloe are, the baby talk between the pair has GOT TO GO. Producers, editors, please: my gag reflex can only take so much. The only goo-goo ga-ga sounds should be coming from little Mason.
Granted, we don’t know the inner workings of every business move the Kardashians make, but it sucks Kourtney had to take the reigns with revamping the Miami Dash store. However, people have their priorities and Khloe wasn’t feeling it. On that note, Scott: Could you be more annoying?
You already know you tread on thin ice with your girlfriend’s family, don’t piss off the one who wouldn’t hesitate to punch you in the face. That being said, keep rocking those Patrick Bateman suits and entertaining us with your royal douchery.
As for Dash, the real “reason” the sisters are in Miami, we all know that people are capable of sick things, but who the heck takes a sh*t in a dressing room of a boutique? Just... wow.
Hopefully these new employees will stick. Love that Khloe wants to know which one of the girls talks about sex all the time. Her response? “I don’t understand why everybody doesn’t want to talk about sex all the time.” Touché.
Solid start to what will surely be an entertaining and loosely filtered season. It’s crazy how much can really change in a year. Last year, it was two single sisters ready to paint the town - and this year it’s a new mama and a new bride.
Whichever producer pressured the sisters to make such changes in their lives really deserves a raise.