It's official: Miley Cyrus is the most self-centered celebrity on the planet.
Following her controversial performance on Britain's Got Talent, in which she simulated a same-sex kiss, Miley has released a statement on her official website. It's almost too pompous and phony to believe, but this is what Cyrus wrote:
“I performed ‘Can’t Be Tamed’ this week on one of my favorite shows here in the UK Britian’s Got Talent... during my performance I supposedly “KISSED A GIRL” and this is the newest thing to cause controversy.

“I promise you I did not kiss her and it is ridiculous that two entertainers cant even rock out with each other without the media making it some type of story. I really hope my fans are not disappointed in me because the truth is I did nothing wrong. I got up there and did my job which is to perform to the best of my ability. I just want to put an end to this right now and just say one thing to everyone out there making this performance such a big deal.
“GET OVER IT! NOTHING HAPPENED. THERE ARE WAYYYYYYY MORE IMPORTANT THINGS IN THE WORLD. Let’s start focusing a little less on making up ignorant rumors and focus a little more on world peace! We gotta a lot of work to do if we want this earth to be here much longer. Let’s make a change! It wouldn’t hurt the world to show a little more love."
Naturally, THG must respond:
- For Miley to claim that she didn't know exactly what she was doing with her near-kiss sums up everything we despise about this star. She's a phony hypocrite, one who can't admit that she's going after a new, mature audience; or simply let her actions speak for themselves. One second she's wearing this, the next second she pretends to be a naive 17-year old.
- If Miley actually wanted to "put an end to this right now," she'd shut up. Nothing ends a scandal faster than simply ignoring it. Instead, Cyrus is milking it for more sympathy and attention, which was her and her marketing team's plan all along.
- Finally, we hate to break this to you, Miles, but: we can bash you in a blog - and still focus on many other issues. The universe does not come to a stand still simply because you act like a desperate hack on stage. We comment on it and we move on. You don't exactly tell everyone to focus on "this earth" when they are standing on line to buy your CD or attending your concerts, do you?
- In fact, why are you on tour again? To raise money for the victims of the BP oil spill? No, wait, it's to promote yourself and your new album. You want us to spend money on your music and your concerts. Maybe we should "make a change" and "focus on WAYYYY more important things" with our hard-earned cash. Got that, fans? Boycott Miley. That's what she's asking for.
Miles, you sound more full of yourself than all the Kardashians combined when you insinuate that world peace cannot be achieved because people take exception to your new image. Let us put an end to this right now and say one thing: GET OVER YOURSELF!