We are as critical of Miley Cyrus as any celebrity gossip blog out there.
And we make no apologies for our harsh assessments of this singer because, at the end of the day, they are just our opinions. Readers can take them or leave them. They're mere words.
But there are certain lines THG (or anyone with a conscience) knows not to cross. Foremost among them: the mass leaking of photos that depict a 17-year old's private parts.
No one taught this lesson to Perez Hilton, however, as reports allege that immature, self-serving blogger Tweeted an uncensored, bare crotch shot of Miley getting out of a car this weekend. Early this morning, he definitely posted the following message:
If you are easily offended, do NOT click here http://i46.tinypic.com/2zre4pv.jpg Oh, Miley! Warning: truly not for the easily offended!
The picture has since been removed, but earsucker.com claims this was it, minus the black box:

To their credit, Hilton's Twitter followers have lashed out at Perez since this post went live. Among their responses:
- @PerezHilton posted a picture of Miley Cyrus’s VAGINA?! GOD I hope he gets arrested for posting child pornography. PLEASE.
- @perezhilton tht is basically distr kiddie porn!!! She’s UNDERAGE!! Hope the wrong person didn’t see it... Pray, baby pray.
- @PerezHilton You are the lowest of the low posting child pornography. Knew you were scum but this is a whole other level, you know no limit.
Well said, people.
Who knows why Miley wouldn't wear underwear - but taking an unauthorized picture of a 17-year old's vagina and posting it online is as illegal and immoral as it gets.
These Tweets summed up the disgusting publicity hog that is Perez perfectly. But, hey, maybe you can do better! Leave a comment and let Perez Hilton have it. Don't hold back. Lord knows he wouldn't.