Indrani: Lindsay Lohan's New Cougar Lover?

Is Lindsay Lohan dating again? Dating an older woman, no less?

That's the rumor - and the rumored girl-on-girl temptress is stunning photographer and reality-show star Indrani, half of the famed Markus Klinko and Indrani duo.

Lohan, who previously dated Samantha Ronson, has been secretly seeing Indrani since the women worked together on a photo shoot last fall, the N.Y. Post reports.

Sources say the train wreck and Indrani, a.k.a. Julia I. Pal-Chaudhuri, have been on a series of dates in L.A. and recently spent the night at Lindsay Lohan's hotel.

Indrani told The Post, "We have been spending a lot of time together."

"I have never had a relationship with a woman before, but Lindsay is just somebody who I find fascinating, gorgeous and extremely smart, as well as super-hot."

Wow. So much for Lindsay's Sam-or-bust lesbian policy ...

Lindsay Lohan and Indrani

Are Lindsay Lohan and Indrani dating?

"Lindsay gets a lot of bad press," Indrani continued, "But she's a really strong, creative woman and is trying really hard to get her life in a good, positive place."

Indrani's partner Klinko confirmed the relationship, and says they're good for each other: "Lindsay and Indrani have been seeing each other since we shot her."

"I've seen them on dates, I have seen them making out ... Indrani is a good influence on Lindsay. She is the total opposite of a party girl - a Princeton graduate."

"She's into art, is a philanthropist - not a typical girl for Lindsay Lohan to go out with. When they are together, they talk about art and the deeper meaning in life."

Sounds like a match made in heaven, right? Not so fast, says Lindsay, who's currently in Cannes (and may be kept there by a volcano spewing ash from Iceland).

Lindsay emphatically denied a relationship to Us, saying "No, no, no. In NO way am I dating her." However, reports a "racy" encounter just days ago.

Abe Gurko of, who was at their shoot, said "The mood was amazing ... Lindsay and Indrani were cozy at the end of the shoot and snuggling up."

"There's definitely a sensual attraction."

Sooo ... yeah. Stay tuned!