I'm not the most modest person in the world. I wear skimpy bathing suits to the beach (or to lay out in the park) regardless of whether my body is in shape or not (it's not). I walk around my apartment naked, even though there's a wall of windows facing a bunch of other buildings with windows that have people behind them that could see me. I've boned in public. Whatevs. But I hate to sleep naked. I know there are tons of people out there who love it, who sleep in the buff whether they have someone in bed with them or not. I hate it because I feel weirdly exposed, like someone is looking at me when I sleep. I don't even like to sleep topless. It feels weird. I ain't got no problem with a fella sleeping naked next to me, but I'll be wearing my uniform of a tank top and panties, thank you. Also, what if there is a fire? Once my friend's apartment caught on fire and she was just in a thong and she had to stand outside in the cold, shivering with just a piece of cotton floss up her crack in front of her neighbors and sexy firemen. I don't want my neighbors seeing me naked. They're weird.