How to deal with the top 5 symptoms of pregnancy

Who’s to blame?
In a nutshell: hormones. Almost every prenatal symptom you experience can be blamed on these little unseen culprits, according to Heidi Murkoff, co-author of What to Expect When You're Expecting. “It doesn't seem quite fair to accuse your hormones of causing every bloat, blemish, and emotional outburst during your pregnancy. But…everything that’s happening to your body these days — both the good, and the not-so-good — can be pinned on them.” Now you know why, so let’s get you prepared for what’s to come.1. Momzilla: Pregnancy hormones
Thanks to hormones, your emotions are likely to go from zero to 60 at any given moment. Jumping from excitement that you can still button your pants to turning on the water works during a greeting card commercial can happen before you know what’s happening. So, ask your partner to turn up his sensitivity chip and bear with you through your emotional rollercoaster. He can then consider himself warned.2. All-day "morning" sickness
Calling it morning sickness is misleading. Some expectant moms ride the nausea wave all day long, and through their entire pregnancy. Crackers or grapes work for many of your pregnant cohorts, but the key is to get in some nourishment before your expanding tummy goes on empty.3. Hair everywhere?
Chances are that your baby growing in utero isn’t the only one becoming covered in peach fuzz. Your growing belly, chest, and even face may have seemed to suddenly sprout overnight. Bothered by it? Indulge in a belly or chest wax, which some spas even dub as a pregnancy treatment.4. Peeing all the time
Frequent trips to the ladies room aren’t reserved for the third trimester. Be prepared for hormones and increased blood flow to your uterus to make you have to go-go-go. From running to the bathroom once per hour during the day and even a few times during your beauty sleep, expect to spend some extra time “powdering your nose.”5. Dreaded hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids may come haunting your behind at some point during pregnancy. Since there is not much you can do, grab a donut pillow and make yourself comfortable.Although no one would classify pregnancy symptoms as fun, they are a type of “right of passage” into motherhood. Now that you’ve peeked behind the pregnant curtain, at least you can be more prepared. Pregnancy is a beautiful thing, despite the aliments described above, so embrace the little miracle inside you!