When you are trying to conceive, each day that goes by before you might actually receive a positive pregnancy test feels like an eternity. However, sometimes it takes weeks after conception to receive a positive pregnancy test, and a false negative can occur if you take the test too early. But if you know your body well and read its signs, you might be able to tell if you are pregnant before the little stick reveals the exciting news. If you've noticed any of the following, you might be expecting!
Missed period
If you have a regular cycle, one of the biggest signs that you might be pregnant is a late or absent period. (Duh, right?) However, this one can be misleading because many things can trigger an irregular period, such as weight loss, travel and stress. Also, those who have just gone off their birth control pill may not yet have a regular cycle to track.
Breast tenderness
Swollen, tender or even stinging breasts are other early symptoms of pregnancy. However, many women also experience tender breasts just before or during their menstruation, so this can be a little confusing as well.
Female intuition
Some women swear they "just know." Perhaps it's women's intuition or a precursor to a mother's instincts. Either way, it's been known to happen. If you have no idea, don't worry! Your maternal instincts have plenty of time to kick in before baby arrives!
Other breast changes
Back to the breasts – these babies may really be trying to tell you something! If you are pregnant, you may notice darkening of the areola and more distinct blue and pink lines on the breasts.
Morning sickness
Morning sickness can rear its ugly head very early for some women – in fact, according to the sixth edition of Your Pregnancy Week by Week written by Glade B. Curtis, M.D., M.P.H. and Judith Schuler, M.S., 70 percent of women are affected by morning sickness. Symptoms include nausea, cramping, vomiting and aversions to certain smells and foods.
Tissue changes
An odd symptom that you may not notice — unless you regularly exam things, ahem, down there — is the change in vaginal and cervical tissue. During early pregnancy, the tissue actually changes color. Your OB/GYN may notice this sign.
Frequent urination
Have you been running to the bathroom more than usual? You could be pregnant! This symptom generally occurs about eight to 10 weeks after your last missed period, but it does happen sooner for some women. However, don't get too excited if you've recently upped your water intake or your use of diuretics.
Elevated temperature
Is your temperature rising? According to Toni Weschler, author of Taking Charge or Your Fertility, if you have been tracking your basal body temperature, a pattern of 18 or more temperatures above the coverline usually points to pregnancy!
Of course, if you think you are pregnant, but are still receiving a negative pregnancy test, it might be best to seek the professional opinion of your OB/GYN. Beyond the urine test, he can take a sample of your blood for a more accurate result.