The former Comedy Central program, originally hosted by Jimmy Kimmel and Adam Carolla, ended each segment with bikini-clad girls jumping on a trampoline. Do you really need to ask why?
Years later, Kim Kardashian has finally realized the potential of this endeavor for herself.
As she pathetically shills for her Quick Trim cleanser as a means to lose weight, Kim has posted a series of photos of herself on her official blog to prove just how well this system works.
"I wanted to show you guys some before and after pics so you can see the difference that working out, eating healthily and using Quick Trim has made," Kardashian writes, prompting readers to ogle away at her skin-baring body.
We might as well oblige...
Kim Kardashian before (left) and after: Is the new body more bangable?
Don't worry, fellas. We promised Kim in a bikini and on a trampoline and you're getting it! Click on each photo below to drool over this specimen...