Like many women her age, Kim Kardashian is excited to have a child after she gets married. She recently tole Life & Style:
"Family is the most important thing in my life. I always had a vision I'd be married with one kid by the time I'm 30."
Naturally, armed with this ground-breaking piece of information, the supermarket tabloid ran the following cover:
Having reconciled with Reggie Bush, Kim also explained the key to a successful relationship:
"Before, I was strictly all about my work. Now I make it a priority to go see him instead. It's all about the commitment you choose to make."
That commitment, of course, might include a child at some point, especially now that she's seen the publicity it's garnered for sister Kourtney. But there's nothing exclusive or revealing about the magazine above whatsoever.
Trust us: when Kim Kardashian gets knocked up, The Hollywood Gossip will be the first to report it!