How's this for ironic ... Candy Spelling -- the owner of a 57,000 square foot mansion in Los Angeles -- has just been confined to a teeny-weeny bed ... in a full body cast.

We're told Candy Spelling had neck surgery this week. Doctors fused two discs to improve function in her right hand. Ironically, Tori was also in the hospital this week after she complained of severe abdominal pain. How's that for mother/daughter bonding?
Candy got out yesterday -- completely immobilized. She'll be on her back for the next couple of weeks.
As far as casting goes, it's her best role yet.

We're told Candy Spelling had neck surgery this week. Doctors fused two discs to improve function in her right hand. Ironically, Tori was also in the hospital this week after she complained of severe abdominal pain. How's that for mother/daughter bonding?
Candy got out yesterday -- completely immobilized. She'll be on her back for the next couple of weeks.
As far as casting goes, it's her best role yet.