It's official: Kelly Killoren Bensimon is still a Real Housewife of New York City
. She has signed a contract to return to that show for another season.

It's also official: Kelly Killoren Bensimon is not crazy; the show is scripted; and Danielle Staub
receives unfair treatment. The reality star made all those claims and more in a new interview with Fancast.

Dear Reality TV Producers: Why have you not placed Kelly Bensimon and Danielle Staub in a show together yet?
Regarding the Housewives franchise as a whole, Kelly says: "It is hilarious. It’s an amazing view of all these different women in all these different parts and cities around America. It’s a fun snippet of a look into these people’s lives. It’s great, great, TV."
The ratings do back up that final assertion. Below, check out what else Bensimon has to say on a number of topics:
On the show being scripted: After [the Virgin Islands episode], people were like, ‘Wow. That was really hard to watch.’ And I said, ‘Why? That’s television. What’s so hard about watching that? Because I was crying and saying leave me alone and stop berating me and attacking me?’ In normal situations, you would excuse yourself from the drama.
But in normal circumstances, I wouldn’t have even been there in the first place. I would never choose to put myself in that kind of environment. I would never go on vacation with people that I wasn’t friends with or didn’t trust.
Does she like her castmates? I like Jill Zarin. I like Jen Gilbert and I like LuAnn de Lesseps. Everyone else, I don’t know well enough to say if I like her or not.
Thoughts on Danielle Staub: She makes for great TV. She’s out of the box and has no inhibitions. It’s not my place to say whether someone has issues or not. I will say she has a lot of fun with what she’s doing. I don’t know what her real life is like, but I honestly don’t think that she’s well matched against the rest of that cast for that show. Still, she definitely is fun to watch. I love seeing her. She has no limitations and that’s great.
On getting her kids more air time: They were in two episodes last year, and for the next time, I’d see that going to up to maybe four episodes? They’re spirited kids, they have a great attitude and they’re fun. I’m proud of them. I love hanging out with them.
So why not subject them to ridicule and criticism on TV, right? That's worked wonders for Kate Gosselin.