The last time Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan hung out, the former was just starting to go bat$h!t insane, and was likely wearing no pants, while the latter was still interested in male anatomy, and none other than Paris Hilton was riding shotgun.
Paris was nowhere to be found Sunday night, but Lindsay, Britney and their matching blonde weaves met up at Full Frontal Disco (really) in L.A.'s Chinatown.
The last time these two went full frontal? Well, to be honest, it's been a good while for Britney. But Lindsay Lohan nude is sort of becoming a frequent thing.
Anyway, here are the two recovering train wrecks at the club ...
Two-thirds of the Ho Train reunites as Britney and Lindsay par-tay!
It looks like they were having a good time. We can only pray this night did not end with the second worst car ride ever. And that it wasn't a precursor to Britney being placed under a 5150 hold and Lindsay passing out face down on Samantha's lawn.