Windows 8 has been out for download for developer preview. This version of Windows 8 is currently released as a beta version by Microsoft. Check the rest of the post to know how to download Windows 8 full version.
- If you have downloaded Windows 8 from any p2p sites or illegal torrent sites, be careful as these may be buggy and might contain malwares or viruses. So it's always advisable to download the OS directly from Microsoft.
- Microsoft has already released the Windows 8 download in their official sites for developer preview. The download is available as an Windows 8 ISO image, which needs to be mounted into an installation media on DVD or USB flash drive.
- Windows 8 is very much conceptually different from it's predecessors and it takes time to actually get used to this new interface. This OS is developed not just to work on desktops and laptops but also on Windows based tablets and mobile phones, making it a flexible multi-platform OS.
New Features of Windows 8 - Metro Style- Tile based User Interface : Designed for touch enabled devices like tablets and computers.
- Factory Reset and Refresh : These two features enables you to factory reset your windows to its base, just like a newly installed windows. With Refresh option, you can do a basic reset which retains all the accounts, personal settings and documents. But the factory reset option restores the PC to the state it was in when originally purchased.
- Internet explorer 10 : Provides fast and best touch-first web experience with HTML 5 support, security and more hardware acceleration.
- Windows App Store : Browse through thousand of apps and get detailed review from users who bought them.

Multi Monitor Options:
Windows 8 features has enhanced it's multi monitor capabilities from windows 7. Now it's possible to have unique taskbars on each monitors with different desktop background making it seem to be running on different PC itself.
- Online Sync: Windows 8 have the option to synchronise your files and settings with Windows Live skydive cloud. This helps to keep your multiple devices having windows 8 like laptop, desktop and tablet in sync with each other.
- Other major changes in Windows 8 vs Windows 7 includes, apps grouping, inbuilt social networking, share charm, NFC support and power efficiency.
How to download Windows 8? Before downloading windows 8, make sure you meet the minimum requirements required for installing Microsoft Win 8.
- 1GHz or faster processor.
- 1GB RAM for 32bit and 2Gb RAM for 64 bit
- 16/20GB hard drive for 32/64 bit
Download the full version of Windows 8 ISO image from the link given in this post. If you're using windows 7, you can directly use the inbuilt Disc Image burner software to write the ISO file into DVD or just use any third party software's like Nero for burning the Windows 8 image into DVD or USB. Note: If you're planning to upgrade from Windows XP/Vista/7. the you have to install windows 8 without developer tools. For a clean install, all the builds are supported.
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