JSC Exam Result 2012
JSC exam result 2012 and JDC Exam result 2012. The Junior School Certificate (JSC) and Junior Dakhil Certificate (JDC) examinations under all the education boards of the country started on 4th November 2012.
JSC and JDC examinations for class VIII students under all the board are taking place with same exam question papers.
A total number of 1908,365 students are attending this JSC and JDC exam 2012. Among them 1553, 575 students are from schools and 354,790 from madrasas who are appearing in the examinations. And here 1011,503 female and 896,862 male are total examinees. JSC exam result 2012 will be published very soon. This JSC and JDC examinations held on about 2,250 examination centres all over the Bangladesh.