"A US-based Christian group took to the streets of Manila this week to spread its Judgment Day prediction of May 21, 2011. Volunteers from religious group Family Radio wore neon colored t-shirts and walked along Manila's main thoroughfares giving out pamphlets to passersby and warning them of the impending doom.
"They believe that the end of the world, predicted by Harold Camping, the president of Family Radio, will happen during the sunset (Eastern Standard Time) of May 21 . Camping is said to have predicted that date through a series of mathematical calculations and unraveling of codes hidden behind the story of the great flood in the Bible. He was convinced that God gave hints of the doomsday in the scriptures and that it was their job to decode it."
Am I worried? Let’s see what the Bible has to say about predicting the second coming of Christ.
"But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only" (Matthew 24:36).
Well known minister and Bible scholar, Matthew Henry, comments about this verse saying,
"We all know that there shall be such a day; but none knows when it shall be, no, not the angels; though their capacities for knowledge are great, and their opportunities of knowing this advantageous (they dwell at the fountain-head of light), and though they are to be employed in the solemnity of that day, yet they are not told when it shall be: none knows but my Father only.
"This is one of those secret things which belong to the Lord our God. The uncertainty of the time of Christ's coming, is, to those who are watchful, a savour of life unto life, and makes them more watchful; but to those who are careless, it is a savour of death unto death, and makes them more careless."
Just like Mr. Henry implores us we must be watchmen on the tower. We must be diligent Bible students and look (and wait) for the signs of the end. Unfortunately for Mr. Camping, and his 'cry wolf campaign', those signs have not yet come to fruition.
"Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors..." Matthew 24:32-34.
The Bible is very specific and plain on this point. I believe the signs have almost all been fulfilled. God has promised to finish things very quickly now and cut the work short (Romans 9:28).
Christ is coming back to this earth for His people one day. Will it be May 21st? That would be impossible. All of the end time prophecies have not been fulfilled just yet (see Revelation 13:11-17).
The article goes on to tell us a little bit more about Mr. Camping. "Camping also predicted that the world would end in September 1994, following his previous calculations based on a specific event in the 1980s. When his prediction failed, he said his other prediction in 2011 would definitely come true."
These people have got it half right. Will Jesus return some day? Absolutely! Do we know when? Absolutely not! I admire there enthusiasm for the second coming of Christ. I also want Him to come back soon. Jesus' most thrilling purpose in returning to earth is to take His children to the glorious home He has prepared for them (John 14:2-3). No more tears, woes, heartaches, or illness forever; but rather, joy and peace forever.
Jesus is coming in the clouds very soon (not as soon as May 21st however). Will you plan now to be ready to meet Him? I hope so friends. God bless.