Lindsay Lohan dodged a major bullet this morning when Judge Elden Fox ordered her back to rehab until at least January 3, but spared her more jail time.
The troubled star is due back in court February 25, and will be subject to random drug testing in between her release from rehab until that court date.
If Lindsay does not test positive for drugs or alcohol, her sentence will be converted to unsupervised probation. So if she stays clean, problem solved.

THAT WAS CLOSE: Lindsay Lohan is headed back to Betty Ford, not jail.
The D.A., fed up with Lindsay's baloney, recommended she get 180 days in county jail. The judge could have sentenced her to a year if he deemed it necessary.
However, Fox was sympathetic to Lohan, but at the same time stern. "You are an addict. I hope you understand that," he said. Lindsay nodded in agreement.
"I don't want another train wreck," Fox warned. Asked if she was unclear on the matter, Linds tearfully responded, "No, your honor. I understand. Thank you."